We offer an end-to-end systems from pick up to delivery .
Over the Top Promotions offers warehousing services from just storing the items for a period time to pick and pack service or we can just store your items and distribute to the event a few days before, whatever is required we customise it so it suits your requirements .
With a number of different transport companies we have a solid network that can be trusted to delivery to Australia, NZ and globally within the given time frame .
We understand delivery is a critical driver and monitor the goods from the time they arrive at our warehouse until the time they arrive with our client, all tracked along the way. .
We can offer the following
24/7 Secure Warehouse
Same Day dispatch
8KM to the Sydney CBD
Delivery to Australia, NZ and globally via TNT, FEDEX and DHL .
Email Aisling@ottpromotion.com.au or 02 9712 7793 to discuss your requirements and we can send a proposal of the services that we can offer ..